Nedávno jsem na stránky naší školy umístila nabídku pro studenty Trading Centre od našeho rodilého mluvčího Dana Luptona k účasti na letním táboře s americkými rodilými mluvčími. Ráda bych k této výjimečné nabídce připojila také recenzi jedné ze studentek, která se této aktivity již zúčastnila.
"English Camp"
It is actually a great opportunity to gain courage to speak English no matter how poor at language you think you are.
Native speakers from several American countries are there to teach you something with little help of Czech interpreters.
Learning of English is not actually the main thing why I go there. It is the opportunity to befriend with different kinds of people and have fun.
I also meet with my friends from EC quite often, sadly only with the Czech ones.
I fully recommend you EC as an awesome experience that will sure count in your future life." (T. Marešová, 3.A)
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Mgr. Jitka Tichá