Toto pondělí se k nám do školy vrátil po krátké pauze náš rodilý mluvčí Dan, aby se studenty opět v přátelské atmosféře procvičoval angličtinu a seznamoval je s různými tématy běžného života i kulturními zajímavostmi. Pondělní výuka se nesla v duchu tradiční i moderní hudby a velmi pěkné shrnutí napsal v angličtině student 2. ročníku, Vojta Přívratský:
"This Monday was so much fun for me. Dan came after the Christmas break to teach us again.
First, he gave us our nametags and then the was telling us about his experiences with Christmas celebrations. We were talking together about music in this class. It was pretty funny because music is my favourite theme. We were asking each other and had a lot of fun.
We are so happy that we have experience like this. Speaking with a native speaker makes us learn a lot. Thank you, Dan, for visiting our school.